Monday, March 05, 2007

21... My blog can drink!

Nudity warning.. my blog is getting racy...

Decided to ink a warm up sketch I did for a drawing jam over at the Thought it would be interesting to jump into a quicker looser inking. It was quick, so I'm pretty pleased.
And after that, I jumped to finishing up a poster design for one of my classes. It had to be Spidey, and would be designed for the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) booth at Heroes Convention. this was what I threw together.


Anonymous said...

Awesome Spidey! I'm guessing it will be colored at some point. Don't forget to put up the finished product.

Tyson said...

draw more porn. possibly spidey porn? maybe an MJ / Aunt May duet?

Anonymous said...

Sorry to post twice (anonymously), but I just noticed SCAD in the webbing. Cool detail.

callmesusan said...

net result...more spectacular work..congrats