Tuesday, February 14, 2012


As you can tell, I spent way more than the 40 or so minutes on this one than I did on the others. This was a couple sit downs, trying to do the amazing Joker justice. It was done with Pitt pen markers, some pentel brush pen, various other pens, red colored pencil, copic warm and cool grey markers, and graphite for his facial shading.



The Penguin



Two Face


Going to be posting a few of the sketches I forgot to post on the blog for the Batman month
The Riddler


Monday, February 13, 2012

016 PR Invincible Redesign

So over at Project Rooftop ( http://www.tencentticker.com/projectrooftop/ ) they posted the designs for their Invincible: Viltrimite Vogue contest. There are some awesome redesigns over there so go check it out.
Here is my final version. It was the first time I've done a completely 100% digital drawing to completion so I was quite pleased with it. I did the whole thing one afternoon sitting on my mom's couch while visiting, so the digital move was out of necessity.

And here is the initial design sketch that I did in a coffee shop with my roomie. I wish I could say I spent more time designing this and planning it out, but really, this was just the first thing that popped onto the page. Quite quickly as well. Not perfect, but I'm happy with it.


Thursday, February 02, 2012


Catwoman for a furthering of the Batman topic



Loves me some 1960s TV show Batman. This is how I see him first. Ha. Still. Just a work in progress.