Wondering why I haven't been updating? It's not that I haven't been drawing. What HAVE I been drawing? Well, let me tease you with this cover drawn by Kalman Andrasofszky. Hmm. Maybe you might want to pick it up in September. Hint. Hint. MRG
Got back from Charlotte, NC Sunday. Had a great time meeting everyone and a big thanks to everyone who stopped by to look at Sarah and my stuff. It was really fun walking around and seeing all the uber talented pro's I look up to. Updates.. maybe later! MRG
My name is Michael Ransom Getty. I have gravitated towards drawing comics because when I was a child my older best friend made me be Robin. Reasoning that since he was older, he deserved to be Batman. As a result I draw to recapture the youth that has been stolen from me... tragedy forms good art.