So I normally try to leave coloring to the professionals. But silly me, I've started to get a little itchy and wanted to broaden my range... ha. I colored up the pinup that I posted previously digitally. I spent a little too long on it, but I am happy with the results. Although, I will NEVER start another image without knowing what a character's color scheme will be. That Soviet Reaniman, had just about every possible combination of red, gold, and black you can imagine....

And then I got cocky. Confidence is a terrible thing. I tried to tackle some real life coloring techniques and I broke out the watercolors. I feel like they tore me a new one, buuuut, I will be playing around with it more until I get it right. This was my first attempt at painting in nearly three years, so not terrible, but not good. Hopefully I'll do some more soon. And hopefully, they will improve. Also, these look darker and less pink/purple in real life, but I refused to digitally retouch them.
