Alright, Issue 2 came out of GUARDING THE GLOBE pencilled by me this week. I wanted to say thanks to everyone who picked up the first issue, and who stuck around to see what this 2nd one is about. I've said it before, but, I'm recommitting myself to this blog thing. Less deviantart. So here are some pages that I'm only posting here. I'm also working on a post about my process which I hope someone will find interesting!

And to those interested in getting original art, I'll hopefully have more news about that soon. I am currently NOT accepting any commissions.Thanks
A page of the Guardians would be really nice to put up on my wall. Keep us posted on when and where the original art is going to be for sell. Love this stuff man.
I am endlessly interested in your process and I am very interested if you choose to blog once a week or three times an hour.
Can't wait for more blogs!
Hey, what type of pencil to you use, and lead type?
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