I haven't posted any recent pages I've done. Hereeeee! If you missed it, you can catch the Xtacles again tonight at Midnight on Cartoon Network. Please let me know what you think! and Tune In! MRG
Ugh, so many lines, and volume, and more lines...and ball bag?!? That page is way too good man, whatever that goes to doesn't deserve that level of awesomeness!
My name is Michael Ransom Getty. I have gravitated towards drawing comics because when I was a child my older best friend made me be Robin. Reasoning that since he was older, he deserved to be Batman. As a result I draw to recapture the youth that has been stolen from me... tragedy forms good art.
Ugh, so many lines, and volume, and more lines...and ball bag?!? That page is way too good man, whatever that goes to doesn't deserve that level of awesomeness!
My first reaction to this was "Holy Shit!" Then, "Why do I even try?"
Stunning page.
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